The course on virtual academic mobility with PhD Associate Professor Stuart Carroll has come to an end, which lasted the entire academic year 2022-2023.
Throughout this time, the faculty members of the Departments of Foreign Languages and Linguodidactics, as well as Germanic Philology, regularly attended sessions on teaching methodology for the English language, focusing on the development of language skills, vocabulary learning, grammar, and interactivity. The instructors not only studied the theory but also had a unique opportunity to explore all methods and strategies through experiential learning - the process of learning through experience, or "learning through reflection on action." This allowed them to immerse themselves in the process of exploration and determine the ways of applying new methodologies to their classes. The practical value of the academic course was confirmed by the participants themselves: they immediately felt the effectiveness of the application and observed results that manifested in language proficiency growth.

Methodological sessions of this level offer a unique opportunity for instructors to undergo high-quality, practical-oriented professional development, drawing on the experience of the best experts in the field of teaching and encompassing global knowledge. The sessions were dedicated not only to acquiring new knowledge and skills but also to empirical learning: instructors shared challenging moments in teaching and, together with Professor Carroll, through collective discussions, found appropriate solutions to methodological issues.

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