Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Linguodidactics

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty Theory and Methods of Vocational Education DK №046122 issued on April 9, 2008 by the decision of the Specialized Academic Council of the Institute of Higher Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities (2011) diploma 12DC № 024555

Expert of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Tel: +38(0542) 68-79-03  Petropavlivska Str., 57  Room: (K2-246)

Subjects taught:

  1. Foreign language
  2. Foreign language for professional purposes
  3. English for Physiotherapists
  4. English for lawyers
  5. English for academic purposes

  search Interests:

  • Applied linguistics
  • ESP
  • research methodology
  • professional competence
  • critical thinking
  • reflective practices

Google Scholar



Education and Career

  1. 1993 - graduated from Sumy State Pedagogical Institute named afterS. Makarenko, English and German Faculty.
  2. 2001 - 2006 – a postgraduate student of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko
  3. 2007 - defense of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty Theory and Methods of Vocational Education. The theme of dissertation research: " Forming the process of future agrarian professionals preparedness formation to the participation in the international professional programs."
  4. 2008 – obtained the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (diploma of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences DK №046122 (decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of April 9, 2008)
  5. 2010– gained the academic title of "Associate Professor of Humanities"


Key publications:

Research articles:

WoS і Scopus:

  1. Liashenko I. (2023) Critical Thinking Strategies as an Influential Tool in Growing the Disciplinary Literacy. Proceedings of the International Conference "Innovative Trends in Teaching Language for Specific Purposes in the Context of the Current Social Instability" - INNO-LSP 3-rd Edition, Constanta, 2022. Analele Universității „Ovidius” Constanța. Seria Filologie. Vol. XXXIV, 1. P. 72-95.
  2. Liashenko, I. (2022). Assessing oracy in young adults vocational training. Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes, 10(3), 457–469. 
  3. Liashenko, I. (2021). Defining the Components of Student Training for Participation in International Programs. Strategies for Policy in Science and Education, 29(3), 65–78.
  4. Liashenko, I., & Bula, L. (2021). Disciplinary Literacy Development in the ESP Context: Ukrainian case. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 13(1). 
  5. Liashenko, I., & Hnapovska, L. (2020). ESP Online Course as a Means of Enhancing Graduate Students Employability Opportunities. Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes, 8(3), 215-230. doi: 10.22190/JTESAP2003215L 
  6. Liashenko, I., Rebenko, M., Rebenko, V. (2020). Development of Students’ Disciplinary Literacy through Reflective Practice: Ukrainian Case. Journal of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Vol. X (LXXII), No. 2/2020. 22-50. 
  7. Liashenko, I. (2019). Students' perceptions of ESP course for cynological translators. Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes, 7(1), 017-030. DOI: 10.22190/JTESAP1901017L 
  8. Liashenko, I., & Hnapovska, L. (2019). Blended Education: Patterns of Implementation at Sumy State University. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 11(3), 141-162. DOI: 10.18662/rrem/142 

Professional publications in Ukrainian journals:

  1. Liashenko I. V. Assessing oracy skills in online courses // Наукові записки Бердянського державного педагогічного університету. Серія : Педагогічні науки. 2023. Вип. 1. С. 305-317. DOI: 10.31494/2412-9208-2023-1-1
  2. Liashenko, I., Alieva, R. (2021). Students' Motivational Engagement Through Distance Education. Scientific Papers of Berdiansk State Pedagogical University. Series: Pedagogical Sciences, (1), 276-283. doi: 10.31494/2412-9208-2021-1-1-276-283
  3. Liashenko, I. (2020). Reflective Practice as a Means of Critical Thinking Development in Distance Learning with University Students. Scientific Papers of Berdiansk State Pedagogical University. Series: Pedagogical Sciences, (3), 308-315. doi:10.31494/2412-9208-2020-1-3-308-315 
  4. Liashenko, I. Disciplinary Literacy Development as the Core standard of Education/ I. Liashenko // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – 7(91). – С. 81-90. DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2019.07/081-090

Conference proceedings

  1. Liashenko I. Meeting doctoral students’ additional support needs in times of crisis: reflections from Ukraine // TEACHING ENGLISH IN WARTIME: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR COMMUNITY BUILDING AND SOCIAL CHANGE: Book of Convention Papers / Comp. O.Illenko, M.Tsehelska, Liliia Kuznetsova. – Lviv : ПП „Марусич”, 2023. – 193 p.
  2. Liashenko I. Understanding Oracy in Assessing Skills. 5th International Scientific and Practical Online Conference "Philological and Pedagogical Studies in 21st Century National and International Science" November 23rd, 2022, 10(3), 457–469. Taras Shevchenko University, 2022. - Pp. 134-137.
  3. Liashenko I. Critical thinking strategies as an influential tool in growing the disciplinary literacy. 3rd Edition International conference “Innovative trends in teaching language for specific purposes in the context of the current social instability – INNO-LSP”, Constanta, University Ovidius of Constanta, Romania, 2022. - Pp. 26-27.
  4. Liashenko I. Assessing Oracy in Young Adults’ Vocational Training. 5th International ESP/LSP Conference and Workshop "Actual ESP/LSP Classroom Practice - sharing the what and how and why of our teaching", 22-23 September, 2022, Nis University, Serbia faculty of electronic engineering, Nis, Serbia. 2022. P. 11-12.
  5. Liashenko I. Quality Assurance in Teaching Languages as a Main EU Priority / Iryna Liashenko // Імплементація європейських стандартів в українські освітні дослідження: Збірник матеріалів V Міжнародної наукової конференції Української асоціації дослідників освіти (24 червня 2021 р.) / За ред. С. Щудло, О. Заболотної, Л. Загоруйко. – Дрогобич : ТзОВ «Трек-ЛТД», 2021. – C. 110-112.
  6. Liashenko I. Developing undergraduate students’ motivation for study through distance learning. Імплементація європейських стандартів в українські освітні дослідження: Збірник матеріалів ІV Міжнародної наукової конференції Української асоціації (26 червня, 2020 р.). Дрогобич: ТзОВ "Трек - ЛТД". 2020. С. 96-99
  7. Liashenko I. V. Critical Thinking Strategies as the Influential Tool in Growing Disciplinary Literacy // Book of abstracts : 2nd International Conference of the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers Languages for Specific Purposes: Opportunities and Challenges of Teaching and Research. 15-16 October 2020. P. 27.
  8. Liashenko, I.V. Making the Aims Smart in Lesson Planning [Текст] / I.V. Liashenko // Дослідження та впровадження в навчальний процес сучасних моделей викладання іноземної мови: лінгво-дидактичні, методичні та міжнародні перспективи: збірник матеріалів І Міжнародної (V онлайн) науково-практичної інтернет-конференції аспірантів та науковців з питань методики викладання іноземної мови, 18 березня 2019 р. – Одеса: Одеський нац. університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2019. – C. 161-164.
  9. Liashenko I. Basic Features of ESP / I. Liashenko // Thinking Globally – Teaching Locally: Book of Papers of the 2019 National TESOL-Ukraine Convention. April 9-10, 2019 y. – Kyiv: Publishing House I.Ivanchenka, 2019. – P. 82-84.
  10. Liashenko, I.V. Designing a blended learning course [Текст] / I.V. Liashenko // Функції дизайну в сучасному світі: виміри 2019 : матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (22-23 березня 2019 року). – Суми : ФОП Цьома С.П., 2019. – С. 46-47.

Study guides and coursebooks

  • Liashenko, І. 5338 Methodical instructions for classwork and self-study on the topic "Physiotherapy lexis development“ on the discipline “English for Physiotherapists” [Електронний ресурс] : or stud. of the selective discipline of spec. 227 “Physical Rehabilitation” / І. Liashenko. — Sumy : Sumy State University, 2022. — 21 p.
  • Liashenko, І. 5055 Live for Life: English for Primary Skills: methodical instructions for classwork and self-study on the discipline “Foreign Language (English)” [Електронний ресурс] : for students of the specialty 017 “Physical Training and Sport” and 227 “Physical Rehabilitation” full-time and part-time training / І. Liashenko. — Sumy : Sumy State University, 2021. — 24 p.
  • Liashenko, I. V. English for Sports Studies [Текст]: study guide/I.V. Liashenko. — Sumy: Sumy State University, 2020.—82 p. 
  • Liashenko, І. 4482 Critical Thinking Development. Methodological guidelines for classwork and self-study on the discipline "English for Academic Purposes" [Текст] : for students of the specialty 017 "Physical Training and Sport" full-time and part-time training / І. Liashenko. — Sumy : Sumy State University, 2018. — 44 p. 

Professional Development, participation in grants, projects

  1. Participation in the project from the British Council Future English Online Teacher Community (9.08 2021 - current). Facilitator of the online platform from the British Council (ESP Community).
  2. Participation in the project from the British Council and Advance HE (UK) and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine joint project “Teaching Excellence Program” (July, 2021)
  3. Participation in the international project Strengthening Scientific Capacities and Cooperation of Ukrainian Universities in Agrisciences from the Czech Republic Development Cooperation - development and teaching of an online course on academic writing for participants of the international project (teachers and researcher of Ukrainian universities) (November 2020 - March 2021)
  4. Studying at the British school (London) LexicalLab on the course "Advanced Speaking"
  5. Participation in the UALTA Project on Assessment Erasmus + Project (February - May 2021)
  6. Participation in an international project from the Regional Office of the English Language of the US Embassy OPEN Cubed as a facilitator of online courses and MOOC April 12, 2021 - May 19, 2021
  7. “E-TOOL” (Teaching Online Opportunity Lab) 21 Apr 2021 – 23 Apr 2021
  8. Organised with financial support from A.S. Hornby Educational Trust and coordinated by the British Council, the workshop “E-TOOL” (Teaching Online Opportunity Lab) aims to create a platform for the Ukrainian EFL teaching community
  9. Participation in a series of training on teaching English in a specific direction
  10. RELO Belgrade  1 Dec 2020 – 22 Dec 2020
  11. Participation in a series of training on teaching English in a specific direction online from the Regional Office of English at the US Embassy in Belgrade, US Department, 1-22.12.2020, teacher of the course Broc E. Bainter
  12. The series of training provided the attendees with the necessary information to properly conduct a Needs Analysis (NA) into various English for Specific Purposes topics.
  13. Supporting Emerging Writers series of training
  14. RELO Belgrade, US Department of State [ 1 Dec 2020 – 4 Dec 2020 ]
  15. The course consists of four, live, one-hour webinars and aims to provide teachers with more confidence in integrating writing instruction into online and blended learning environments.
  16. Writing is a powerful tool for self-reflection and purposeful communication, often associated with solitude. Developing this skill, however, requires collaboration and constructive feedback. Through four hands-on workshops, we will investigate strategies to support English writing development in online learning environments for all proficiency levels and age groups.
  17. Beyond receiving new ideas, teachers will gain the experience of brainstorming, problem-solving, and evaluating instructional methods with peer educators, leaving the sessions with greater confidence in your resourcefulness and membership in a community of practice.
  18. TESOL-Ukraine Online Teacher Development Institute «Essentials of Online Teaching» TESOL-Ukraine 19 Nov 2020 – 22 Dec 2020 
  19. Participation in the online institute "Fundamentals of Online Teaching" (30 academic hours), 19.11-22.12.2020 from TESOL Ukraine.
  20. Workshop “Communicative Language Teaching Strategies for the Online Classroom” by Wendy Finlayson, English Language Fellow, U.S. Department of State – 3 academic hours
  21. Workshop “Encouraging Critical Thinking in the Online Classroom” by Wendy Finlayson, English Language Fellow, U.S. Department of State – 3 academic hours
  22. Workshop "Online Assessment Tools" by Wendy Finlayson, English Language Fellow, U.S. Department of State – 3 academic hours
  23. Workshop "How to Conduct a Reading Lesson Online" by Shaun Hicks, English Language Fellow, U.S. Department of State – 3 academic hours
  24. Workshop "Teaching pair and Group Work" by Wendy Finlayson, English Language Fellow, U.S. Department of State – 3 academic hours
  25. Workshop "How to Conduct a Listening Lesson Online" by Shaun Hicks, English Language Fellow, U.S. Department of State – 3 academic hours
  26. Workshop "How to Use Pear Deck and Graphic Organizers" by Wendy Finlayson, English Language Fellow, U.S. Department of State – 3 academic hours
  27. Final Report Preparation and Delivery – 9 academic hours
  28. Project-Based Learning in ELT RELO Belgrade, US Department of State 27 Oct 2020 – 30 Oct 2020
  29. Facilitator of MOOC US Department of State, RELO, OPEN 17 Aug 2020 – 15 Nov 2020
  30. American English E-Teacher professional development course “TESOL Methodology” World Learning, US Department of State's Electronic Teachers (AE) program FHI 360 Office 21 Jan 2020 – 15 Mar 2020
  31. American English as a Foreign Language Teaching Professional Development Program, provided by World Learning, as part of the US Department of State's Electronic Teachers (AE) program, sponsored by the US Department of State and run by FHI 360 / American English E-Teacher professional development course “TESOL Methodology”, provided by World Learning, as part of the American English (AE) E-Teacher Program, sponsored by the US Department of State and administered by FHI 360, WorldLearning, FHI 360 Office, 21.01.– 15.03.2020.
  32. American Learning Professional Development Program "Content-Based Instruction" World Learning, US Department of State's Electronic Teachers (AE) program FHI 360 Office 7 Jan 2020 – 8 Mar 2020
  33. American Learning Professional Development Program, provided by World Learning, as part of the US Department of State's Electronic Teachers (AE) program, sponsored by the US Department of State and administered by FHI 360 / American English E-Teacher professional development course Content-Based Instruction ”, provided by World Learning, as part of the American English (AE) E-Teacher Program, sponsored by the US Department of State and administered by FHI 360, WorldLearning, FHI 360 Office, 07.01. - 08.03.2020.
  34. "Fundamentals of Reading Test Development: Good Practices and useful Tips” Institute of Philology, Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, UALTA, Lancaster University 2 Oct 2019
  35. Fundamentals of Reading Test Development: Good Practices and useful Tips”, at the Institute of Philology, Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, October 2019, held by UALTA (Ukrainian Association for Language Testing and Assessment) together with Lancaster University, UK.
  36. 2019 Sumy Media Literacy Institute 22 Nov 2019 – 23 Nov 2019
  37. 2019 Sumy Media Literacy Institute “Incorporating Media Literacy in English Language Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century” within the obtained grant Small Public Diplomacy Grant Competition, Education and Culture sponsored by Embassy of the United States in Ukraine, together with TESOL Ukraine, NGO Svitlo, Sumy State University, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko. The event held on November 22-23, 2019 in the Congress Center of Sumy State University was part of a grant project sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.
  38. Integrating Critical Thinking Skills into the Exploration of Culture in an EFL Setting" online learning course US Department of State and administered by FHI 360, WorldLearning, FHI 360 Office  25 Jun 2019 – 20 Aug 2019
  39. Integrating Critical Thinking Skills into the Exploration of Culture in an EFL Setting" online learning provided by World Learning, as part of the American English (AE) E-Teacher Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, administered by FHI 360 International Doctoral Summer School in TESOL and Applied Linguistics University of Malta 11 Jun 2019 – 14 Jun 2019
  40. The workshops and seminars forming part of the Summer School were facilitated by several international academics. These include Professor Lourdes Ortega from Georgetown University, Dr. Sue Garton from Aston University, UK, Dr. Judith Hanks from the University of Leeds, UK as well as Dr. Odette Vassallo, Dr. Daniel Xerri, and Dr. Sarah Grech from CELP. The participants were 22 Ph.D. researchers from the universities of Europe, Canada, and the USA. This school revealed the chance to further develop the research skills, fine-tune the scientific projects and learn about a range of contemporary key issues in the field. The Summer School gave the participants confidence to engage in leading discussions and studies as researchers operating within the global context of the TESOL and Applied Linguistics community. Presenting and networking at TESOL and Applied Linguistics conferences; Building an academic profile as a researcher; Bridging research and practice in the TESOL and Applied Linguistics context; Leveraging the impact of TESOL and Applied Linguistics research.
  41. Critical Thinking for Media Literacy, Spring Institute of Professional Development of Teachers' Development TESOL-Ukraine TESOL Ukraine 8 Mar 2019 – 10 Mar 2019

 Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

Ukrainian Association of Professors and Researchers of European Integration (APREI)

International ESP Teachers' Association (ISPTA)

Eastern European Network for Citizenship Education (EENCE)

Ukrainian Educational Research Association (UERA) -affiliated EERA, IATEFL

European Association for Language Testing and Assessment (EALTA)

Ukrainian Association for Language Testing and Assessment (UALTA) - affiliated IATEFL

TESOL-Ukraine - an international affiliate of TESOL, Inc.

IATEFL Ukraine


US-Ukraine Awards for Excellence in Teaching

United States Embassy in Ukraine, Ministry of Education in Ukraine [ 2000 ]

Has been recognized for excellence in teaching English and American Studies by colleagues, students, supervisors, and the bi-national committee of Ukrainian and US educational specialists in light of demonstrated excellence in teaching English and American studies; pedagogical innovation; commitment to diversity and pluralism; professionalism; and leadership.


Intellectual Property Aurthorship - №103828 for online course  “Basics on Writing an Academic Research Article (WARA)”

Developer and a trainer of distance ESP course for translators-assistants of dog conformation judges, UKU-FCI, SNAU


International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (IJLTER) (Scopus)
International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (Scopus, WoS)



Sumy State University,
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine, 
Main Building, room 1202

Tel.: (0542) 687-787

E-mail: [email protected]

When using materials from the site of the Foreign Languages and Linguodidactics Department ​​reference to the site is required.

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